Monday, June 4, 2012

Can I Just have this baby all ready?

Today I went in for a normal Dr. Appointment. I got there way too early, and surprisingly got called back like right away. So off I went to get my blood pressure check, which I dread.. because I know its always going to be bad. 

It was WORSE than BAD. 185/158 to be exact. So I sat for a few, then they took it manually.. it was 160/140. Then I sat for a few more minutes, and they took it on my other arm it was the same. So I got taken to a room..

As soon as I got to the room I started freaking out, my mom told me that while I was waiting that the doctor was over talking to the nurse and that they looked worried. GREAT.

I started freaking out, thinking I would have to have an emergency c-section because of all the contractions I was having, and the high BP and risk of pre-eclampsia. So my husband tried to lighten the mood.. by making me take funny pictures and trying to prove that his camera was better than my iPhone camera. 

When the Dr. walked in he immediately "i'm sending you to the hospital". I didn't even know what to say, so I just said Okay. He told me that they would monitor me for 26 hours (weird amount) and then I would get to go home if my BP went down. Needless to say, I didn't get the ultrasound I was scheduled for. Or any of the labs for that matter either. They didn't do anything but tell me to leave immediately, get to the hospital, and DO NOT STOP.

I even tried to stop at the front to see if I needed to make an appointment for next week... nope the DR saw me and said GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW.

Luckily the hospital is only about 5 minutes away. Once I got there they took me straight to a labor and delivery room, which was odd for me. Since every other monitoring session I've gotten there has always been in triage. It was so nice to have my own private room & bathroom though. And there were windows to look out! Haha (its the little things)

As soon as I got changed and hooked up we discovered that not only was my blood pressure high but I was also having another bout of contractions. Yepp, those suckers that I've been having on and off for 3 weeks, that have been stopped with each visit to the hospital. Well, guess what they're back.

That ^^ is just a few of the itty bitty frequent ones I was having as soon as I got hooked up. 

After taking my first blood pressure they took another and it went down to like 111/50 or something. So I started to think this trip was pretty pointless.

I had to be hooked up to an IV to get fluids and got a TON of blood drawn.. after that I got to just hang out and do nothing.

After taking my blood pressure several times it was never above 140/85. Which was extremely good. But I was having some pretty painful contractions every 3-5 minutes. My Dr. came in and said since my blood pressure was so good that he was going to monitor for another 2 hours, and then I would get to go home if it stayed good. (I did a happy dance) but he also wanted to monitor the contractions a little longer too.

My blood pressure stayed GREAT, but the contractions didn't go away. when the 2 hours was up the nurse checked me and I was still closed, so they told me to go home and come back if the contractions got worse, or my water breaks...

oh, and I'm still on bed rest.. except this time? My Dr. said "stay in bed, with your feet up, and NO SHOPPING.

That broke my heart.. I love me some Target.

I was scared for a little while that little man might come today, but looks like they are going to be keeping him cooking a little longer.. or until my next Dr. appointment at least.

My baby shower is this saturday, I'm so super excited about it! So hang in till after, Lyric! 
And for now I'll leave you with this....

Yes, that's a milkshake. Yes, it was amazing. Yes, I got it RIGHT after leaving the hospital. 

Happy Monday.


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