Monday, December 17, 2012

Lyric's Nursery

His room isn't totally finished, but since we moved recently I thought I would share his room set up. The lighting isn't the best on these pictures, since they are on my phone and I took them at around 6pm -- dark out. And keep in mind, he is still a "baby" and doesn't crawl around or anything as of right now, some things will be moved when this happens to prevent accidents & him getting into anything that he shouldn't!

 Panoramic view, this helps understand where exactly everything is in his room!

 A wreath my mom made on his door, an L for his name along with the colors in his bedding & some music note ribbon!

Glider to rock & nurse little man. The quilt was made by the sewing club at our church & the afghan was made by our pastors wife, love both of them.

A print that I made of a quote from the poem Song For a Fifth Child by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton & a hang painted sign my mom purchased for Lyr.

Dresser/Changing station, blue dirty clothes basket down in the left corner. Diaper genie over on the right. 

 Up-close of the changing table. Musical giraffe from Target that has kept him company while getting changed since he was born. BOY sign made by my mama, recycled from our gender reveal. Name/stats sign above that made by one of my Aunts & cousins gifted to us while we were in the hospital. Organizer from Target-- stocked with Target diapers (our babyshower stash is getting low so we are trying this brand to see if we like them... so far I don't. I'm a pampers loyal), pampers sensitive wipes, baby bedtime lotion, hand sanitizer, aveno sunscreen, aveno soothing lotion, pacifier wipes, boogie wipes, diaper rash cream & vaseline.

 View of his closet.
--Two more boxes & one bag left of our diaper stash.
-- 3 packs of wipes
--Toys he doesn't use yet
--Closet organizer filled with extra/unopened pacifiers, extra towels, extra changing pad covers, extra blankets-bibs & burb cloths, cart cover & extra sheets.
-- A bag of stuffed animals he doesn't use yet
--a box of hangers
 --all his hanging clothes, which for the moment are only his "dress" clothes & clothes that are too big that haven't been washed and added to his dresser.

 Book/toy shelf 
Carseat ready to go with his blanket & paci!

Monitor in the far upper left corner.
& his crib set up!

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