Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lyric James || Six Months

Time is flying by so fast, I can't believe all the things Lyric is learning, and all the milestones he is breezing through. I'm thankful everyday for the opportunity to stay home and watch this baby boy grow into a little boy. Our days are spent playing, cuddling, out walking and experimenting with new baby foods {a post on that soon!}


Birth-7.5, 19 3/4 inches
3 days - 6.11 19 3/4 inches
1 month-7.5, 20 inches
2 months- 8.1, 21 1/2 inches
4 months-10.12, 24.8 inches
6 months - 11.7, 25 inches 
(I was wrong at his 4 month apt he was only 24.8 not 25)
6 months & 1 week - 12.6, 25 inches 
(went back because he was sick) gained a pound in 6 days!
Sometimes it seems really really dark, but its more of an auburn color.

Brownish green

He's been doing ALOT better than he was. He's been waking up around 7, then eating and sleeping for a little bit longer. He takes a morning nap from 11-12 usually. If he skips the morning nap he'll take one for about 2 hours sometime during the day. He eats around 6:45 then its bath, and try to get him to sleep by 7:30 - after that he is unpredictable. Sometimes he will sleep till midnight, but sometimes he wakes up before to eat. I'm okay with it, he usually goes right back to sleep. Then he wakes up around 3:30 and after that he gets up 1-2 more times until 8. He's getting SO much better than what he was sleeping.

Nursing about every 3 hours, except at night. Sometimes he nurses more for comfort. He gets 15oz of formula supplemented a day on top of that. Sometimes he eats breakfast, usually fruit and oatmeal. But mostly we are just doing one meal a day, dinner. He gets 3oz of something. Usually 2 oz of Veggie mixed with 1 oz of fruit. But sometimes just 2oz of veggie mixed with another veggie. Or sometimes the veggie and fruit separate. Just depends how I prepare it that day. While I cook dinner for us he likes to chew on apple slices, carrot sticks and celery sticks.
He's in 2s at the moment, but we have 2 boxes of those left.. and 20 cloth diapers on their way in the mail! So excited to be making the switch to cloth. We ordered 20 for now, and I'll probably build my stash even more a little at a time every month. We are doing one size, pocket diapers with snaps!

He is in mostly 3 month clothing, but sometimes he still wears 0-3 onesies just because they still fit.. those are a little snugger so they show off his belly ;) Sometimes I put 6 month onesies on him just because they are cute, but they are really long still so I have to put pants on him with those or they hang funny. He's in mostly 3 month pants, and he has one pair for 6 month jeans that fit him at the waist and we have to roll one time because they are long. But They look super cute.
He is in all 0-3 & 3 month sleepers still. 

He now says dada AND mama. 
He is eating just about everything we give him.
Got his first cold, and his first ear infection :(
Scoots to get his toys, and tries to put his knees underneath him.
Stands up when he holds on to something.
Learned to splash in the bath tub.
Sits up unassisted.
Stopped hating car rides.

 We are just so in love with this little guy, I don't even know what we did before him. It seems like he's been a part of us forever.

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